The question of how to get rid of worms from a family member or child is not as uncommon as it might seem. We all know from our school biology class that worm larvae live underground. In addition, their ability to infect humans underground can be maintained for up to 5 years.

Worms enter the ground from the feces of infected animals (humans). All of us, especially children, enjoy walking, visiting parks, going to the forest, going to the countryside. On a trip like this, we don't always care about the cleanliness of our hands and food.
Many times we can grab something from food without washing our hands, eat apples or bananas with dirty hands, or just drink water, and by chance, we can eat dirty vegetables or fruits. Let's not even talk about children.
The picture is familiar, small and not very, baby, grab an interesting thing from the ground and drag it into your mouth. Or running around the playground with a dirty apple in his hand that he also lost several times and put in his mouth again.
How to get rid of worms from someone at home
Unfortunately, pets in our country walk and go to the toilet, often where children walk, and few owners clean up after their pets. So now everyone can get worms regardless of social status.
Official statistics are alarming that every three children in our country are infected with worms and every ten adults are infected with worms. So worm infestations are not a relic of the past, and you need to know how to suspect worms in yourself or your child and what to do with them.
Symptoms of worm infection in humans
- weakness;
- irritability;
- sleep disorder;
- sore throat;
- Difficulty breathing;
- Weight loss despite good appetite;
- stomach ache;
- Violation of stool, alternating constipation and diarrhea;
- nausea and vomiting;
- anemia;
- signs of vitamin B12 deficiency;
- blood in the stool.
Also, if someone suspects he or a child has worms, look out for short or long worms found in the stool. Unfortunately, you won't see worm eggs during such an inspection. There are many types of worms.
Egg test
In most cases, the presence of worm eggs in the stool is only visible by repeated examination of the stool under a microscope. Therefore, it is recommended to apply for such studies in special laboratories. The type of helminthiasis will also be determined there.
Fecal examination was taken 1 month after treatment. after finishing. If the answer is no, you should take two more doses every 2-4 days.
If all answers are negative, the person is considered cured of the worm. In addition, to diagnose helminthiasis, blood, urine, and ultrasound are also checked. Check the contents of the duodenum. They do colonoscopy.
Most common type of helminthiasis
- Ascariasis (the causative agent of ascariasis);
- Enterobiasis (pathogen pinworm);
- hymenolepiasis (pathogen dwarf tapeworm);
- opisthorchiasis (pathogen liver fluke).
Why are worms dangerous? onset
Worms or worms that enter the human body begin to circulate within them to reach their main habitat - the gut or liver.
This is the acute phase of invasion (damage). It presents with common symptoms - nausea, allergic reaction, fever, cough, abdominal pain, etc. Then comes the chronic phase of the process. Symptoms at this stage depend on the location of the parasite.
Worms can damage the organs and tissues in which they reside, interfere with the absorption of nutrients in the gut, reduce the body's resistance to other types of infections, and in some cases increase the risk of bowel cancer.
The dangers of worm invasion
Anemia develops with the long-term presence of worms in the body, both due to impaired intestinal absorption of iron and blood loss due to ulcerative lesions of the intestinal wall (such as roundworms) and ulcerative defects. With toxoplasmosis, the liver can be affected, so hepatitis, cholecystocholangitis, and pancreatitis can develop.
I hope we've convinced you that worm infections are serious. Medical professional assistance for the treatment of helminthiasis is not discussed, and it is necessary to contact a specialist if worms are suspected. However, you can try a folk method that has been proven for centuries to get rid of worms at home.
How to remove worms from people at home, folk removal methods
for processing pumpkin seeds
Perhaps the most affordable, enjoyable and safest way to get rid of worms at home. Raw pumpkin seeds can be easily chewed, one to two cups a day. There are more complex recipes.
- Mix the crushed pumpkin seeds in a blender with honey and mineral water until you get a not-so-liquid slurry, then eat on an empty stomach. Use it with any laxative tea, medication, or enemas 3 hours after taking the porridge. One dose is enough.
- Mix pre-roasted pumpkin seeds (1 cup) with minced garlic (3 cloves) and honey. After 12 hours, you can consume this mixture.
- Mix crushed (200g) seeds with warm milk and drink this slurry with at least 200ml of water.
Onions fight worms
- A small onion is poured into warm water for 12 hours. Then you can drink onion tea on an empty stomach.
- Mix pressed onion juice with aloe vera juice, honey and consume 3 times a day.
Vodka is sometimes suggested as an onion tincture. Ratio of 2 parts vodka to one part chopped onion. She was ready in 10 days. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
Herbal Infusion Against Worms
- Soak pomegranate peel (about 50 grams) in cold water for 6 hours, bring to a boil over low heat, and pass through a fine sieve or gauze. Drink it within an hour. Efficiency increases if you take a laxative in addition.
- Pour corn stigma (one teaspoon) into more than 200ml of boiling water for one hour and drink with teaspoon 3 times a day.
- The wormwood tincture is performed as follows. Mix 100 grams of wormwood with 100 ml of alcohol and keep it for a week. Then take 4 drops 30 minutes before meals.
Walnuts can also be used to get rid of worms at home. You can use walnut oil, its green peel, and mix them with honey and the nut itself. You need to eat nuts in the morning on an empty stomach.
How to Get Rid of Worms During Pregnancy
Deworming is contraindicated in pregnant women, especially before the placenta is formed (16-18 weeks), when the fetus is particularly sensitive to external influences. Therefore, among pregnant women, folk deworming methods came into being.
However, it should be remembered that many folk remedies cannot be used during pregnancy. The focus should be on pumpkin seeds and pomegranate rind recipes. And don't forget to consult your doctor!
Because of the mechanism of helminth infection, children are most susceptible to helminthiasis.
What worm remedies can children use?
How to get rid of worms from people, especially children, at home? You can use pumpkin seeds. Give carrot juice to drink. Infuse an enema with garlic. You can bathe with an oat grass decoction, pour it into boiling water and infuse for a few hours, then add it to the tub while you're bathing. You can add celandine and thyme to the bathtub. Decoctions of these herbs are prepared in the same way.
How to get rid of worms from someone at home, results
Now you know how to get rid of worms from people in your home. Let's talk about preventing worms. The first is to follow the rules of personal hygiene. Wash hands after walking, before eating, and after contact with animals.
Wash vegetables and fruits thoroughly with a sponge. Follow cooking rules. It is best to have separate boards for butchering meat and fish.
Clean the sink with disinfectant after cutting raw meat. Following these simple rules will keep you from getting worms.